Sunday, June 29, 2008

Seg 308 - Sustainable Seafoods - Airing Schedule

Broadcast Cable Series: Tamara Lynn Scott

Endangered Species of the World

Sustainable Seafoods

Interviews with Hans Haveman

of H and H Fish

This Segment, along with a selection of other
segments from the Broadcast Series, may be
viewed as a small version, at the Permanent
Internet Archives:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sundance Film Festival Green Channel Big Idea Contest Finalist

Sundance Film Festival Green Channel Big Idea Contest Finalist

A documentary I created on a locally based organization - " The California Grey Bears" -
is being used as a prototype working organization to exemplify the concept of putting an end to food waste and hunger in our communities - It is a semi-finalist in the Sundance Film Festival Big Idea Contest.

If you get the opportunity to visit the site in the next couple of weeks,
please vote for the "California Grey Bears" !

http://www.sundance /thegreen/#/ bigIdeasContest :overview

One vote is allowed per day.

This documentary, along with other selected programs, is available to view at the Permanent Internet Archives:

http://www.archive. org/search .php?query=Tamara% 20Lynn %20Scott

and of course,

through my Broadcast Websites: