Thursday, December 25, 2008

Longboard Wines and Omaha Steak company Cheesecake

Longboard Winery

of the Russian River area of California,

has entered the series " Great Gourmets"

with several of their fine wines to pair with the entres in the weekly Broadcast Cable

Here, their 2007 Sauvignon Blanc - Russian River Valley
has been chosen to be paired up with the Omaha Steak Company's
assorted cheesecakes as compliment in the fine dining, food demonstrations, and food pairings at the Outdoor Kitchen area of the series: From the Ground Up.

Omaha specializes in gourmet foods which can be shipped directly to the location at which it is to be enjoyed, and as such, has been a leader in the arts of gift giving, with their shipping of quality items in containers that can be re-utilized as coolers.

Please visit the series:

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