Saturday, December 11, 2010

National Grant Award

Royal Neighbors of America presents $3,000

to Boulder Creek woman to help continue a dream

(Rock Island, IL)—

Tamara Lynn Scott, Boulder Creek, was awarded a check for $3,000 from

Royal Neighbors of America as part of the organization’s Nation of NeighborsSM Program to help her

continue to produce media that matters for not-profit cable broadcasts.

Ms. Scott has produced broadcasts, at her own expense, on such subjects as environmental

dangers, healthy foods, and the elimination of hunger. The funds she received will help her continue the

work of lifting humanity through educational outreach.

Focusing on its history of standing strong for women, Royal Neighbors has surpassed the $1

million mark assisting more than 800 families and individuals in reaching their goals and rebuilding

their lives through its Nation of Neighbors Program. The program, which was launched in 2007,

demonstrates the neighbor-helping-neighbor philosophy on which Royal Neighbors was founded in


Through the 2010 program, determined women of strength and courage are empowered with

financial assistance to rise above challenging circumstances, achieve their full potential, and realize a

sense of renewed personal growth. Each year, Royal Neighbors members and sales agents across the

country are asked to nominate women they know who want to change their lives for the better. A panel

reviews each nomination and determines the recipients and the monetary amounts awarded.

As a non-profit fraternal organization, Royal Neighbors of America exists for the benefit of its

members. It offers insurance products to fulfill a variety of needs for growth, savings, and protection.

Members also receive valuable member benefits and can participate in volunteer activities through

the organization’s local chapters to make a difference in their communities. The organization’s

philanthropic efforts are dedicated to changing women’s lives through its national programs and through

the Royal Neighbors Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

408 - Great Gourmet - Fiscalini Cheese - 3

SEGMENT 408 - Great Gourmets - Fiscalini Cheese - Part Three

Great Gourmets continues with the Fiscalini Cheese tour, speaking about different kinds of cheeses, and how they are created. We also take a look at the environmentally friendly methods of harnessing methane to power the farm and sell back energy to the community.

A Wax coated Cheddar.

John Fiscalini, a world wide winning cheese creator, speaks about his awards in the world wide Chedder competition, and the creation of several unique cheeses.
He also explains to us the methods and machinery which enable the capture of methane, and encourage the community to become involved with insuring this technology is put into place. Visit the Fiscalini website,, for more information on how you can get important measures on the ballot.

Beer is added to this cheddar.

Smoked Cheddar

Visit the website at

DVD copies are available through the producer.

The Worlds Best Cheddar! The only non British Cheese maker to ever receive the coveted award!

Visit the master website to see all programs available.

Produced and Directed by Tamara Lynn Scott

copyright 2010 Tamara Lynn Scott

SEG 407 Great Gourmets - Fiscalini Cheese - 2

SEGMENT 407 - Great Gourmets - Fiscalini Cheese - Part Two

Great Gourmets continues with the Fiscalini Cheese tour, speaking about different kinds of cheeses, and how they are created.

John Fiscalini, a world wide winning cheese creator, speaks about his awards in the world wide Chedder competition, and the creation of several unique cheeses.

Visit the website at

Stay tuned as part three airs the following week, completing the visit.

DVD copies are available through the producer.

Visit the master website to see all programs available.

Produced and Directed by Tamara Lynn Scott

SEGMENT 406 - Fiscalini Cheese - Part One

SEGMENT 406 Great Gourmets Fiscalini Cheese

Great Gourmets visits with John Fiscalini to take a look at how cheese is made, beginning with the baby calves up.

We take a look at the process of raising young calves, and the mother's milk these new lives generate, how the calves are raised, and follow up with a visit into the cheese room, where a new batch of pure, natural, white chedder is being blended with peppers, just prior to the pressing stage of a finished cheese.

You may request copies of these broadcasts from the producer at

Produced by Tamara Lynn Scott

Check the website of Cable 27, Santa Cruz, California, for airing dates.

Please visit the master website to see all programs being created.

Visit the site

for programs available in the Great Gourmet series.

copyright 2010 Tamara Lynn Scott

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SEGMENT 403 Scopazzi's Great Gourmets

This Restaurant, unfortunately, receives the "Bad Apple" award for 2010, due to the rudeness of service and management, and will not be among those restaurants we recommend.

You may obtain copies of these broadcasts through the producer,

Tamara Lynn Scott


copyright 2010 Tamara Lynn Scott

Monday, July 26, 2010

SEGMENT 404 Great Gourmets Scopazzi's

This Restaurant, unfortunately, receives the "Bad Apple" award for 2010, due to the rudeness of service and management, and will not be among those restaurants we recommend.

You may obtain copies of these broadcasts through the producer,

Tamara Lynn Scott


copyright 2010 Tamara Lynn Scott

Segment 405 Great Gourmets Scopazzis

This Restaurant, unfortunately, receives the "Bad Apple" award for 2010, due to the rudeness of service and management, and will not be among those restaurants we recommend.

You may obtain copies of these broadcasts through the producer,

Tamara Lynn Scott


copyright 2010 Tamara Lynn Scott

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

29th Annual Clam Chowder Cook Off in Santa Cruz

The 29th Annual Clam Chowder Cook Off in Santa Cruz, California,

which benefits the Parks and Recreation Department of Santa Cruz,

was well attended with participants from all over California in attendance.

Here are some shots of the chefs as they geared up prior to the public line up for the Chowder tastings which began at 1 p.m.

You may be seeing some of the participants in later segments where we can show the public a few of the prize winning recipes, along with other signature dishes featured at restaurants, and catering companies.

Please visit

Produced and Directed by

Tamara Lynn Scott

You may contact the Producer at

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Segment 390 Great Getaways and Great Gourmets Inn at Depot Hill

Segment 390

Great Getaways of California

Historic Bed and Breakfasts


Great Gourmets


the Inn at Depot Hill

Capitola, California

This historic Bed and Breakfast is one of two remaining structures of the rail line originally built in the 1860's in Capitola, the Depot built in 1875, and the Trestle.
It was originally located at the bottom of the hill where it is currently situated, near the only other remaining structure, the railroad trestle.

When automobiles were developed, and train traffic for passengers ceased to be profitable, Southern Pacific sold this 400 square foot depot to one of its employees for the grand sum of one dollar.

It was moved by hand and horsepower up the hill to sit alongside the railroad, near it's current location, and then moved again and repositioned to face towards the sea when later owners decided to live in it, refurbish and enlarge it, and then create the current Bed and Breakfast.

Currently, the more than 3,000 square foot structure has rooms decorated around the various countries of the world, complete with furnishings and tiles obtained from the various locations.

The thirty minute segment on the Inn discusses the historical background, and the various improvements, along with a peek at a few of the rooms available.

Claire Whitelaw, the current manager of the Inn, demonstrates making one of her favorite desserts, an apple crisp, and Jordan Sinclair, her associate, demonstrates the carmelizing of sugars which top the creme brulee served for the evening dessert.

Wine and cheese, along with Bargetto 2007 Chardennay, and Martinelli's Sparkling Apple cider were being served in the evening at 5 p.m. followed by a dessert of the Creme Brulee at 7 p.m.

The Inn features a 2007 Chardonnay by Bargetto as a consistent line up.

I stayed in the home behind the Inn, which is also available, in the Kyoto room, located on the basement level with traditional Japanese garden outside, the most tranquil of the rooms in my opinion.

A hearty and delicious warm breakfast is served to help get us on our way and down the street to explore the delightful shops of Capitola.

Airing Schedule for Segment 390 on Cable 27, Santa Cruz will be on

Friday, March 26th, 2010 at 2:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. newstime and

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010, 2:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. newstime.

Please visit the websites at


for additional information on this program and others available by the Producer who can be contacted at

These programs are Produced and Directed by

Tamara Lynn Scott

and are available nationwide to all not-for-profit,

educational, Cable Broadcast Stations,

on a no cost for airings basis.

Copyright 2010 Tamara Lynn Scott