SEGMENT 408 - Great Gourmets - Fiscalini Cheese - Part Three
Great Gourmets continues with the Fiscalini Cheese tour, speaking about different kinds of cheeses, and how they are created. We also take a look at the environmentally friendly methods of harnessing methane to power the farm and sell back energy to the community.
John Fiscalini, a world wide winning cheese creator, speaks about his awards in the world wide Chedder competition, and the creation of several unique cheeses.
He also explains to us the methods and machinery which enable the capture of methane, and encourage the community to become involved with insuring this technology is put into place. Visit the Fiscalini website, http://FiscaliniCheese.com, for more information on how you can get important measures on the ballot.
Beer is added to this cheddar.
Visit the website at
DVD copies are available through the producer.
The Worlds Best Cheddar! The only non British Cheese maker to ever receive the coveted award!
Visit the master website to see all programs available.
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